The transmission signal from the bone morphogenetic protein receptor

Bone morphogenetic proteins is a pleiotropic cytokine belonging to the superfamily of transforming growth factor type B. They are bound by two different types of receptors with an activity of serine-threonine kinase. Intracellular second messenger signal are Smad proteins. R-Smad phosphorylation leads to the formation of a complex with Co-Smad, which is transported to the nucleus and regulates transcription of selected genes. The transmission signal is modulated by a variety of biological factors.

Some of the intracellular signal transduction inhibitors in the inhibition of cytokine synthesis

Acute-phase response induced by infection, tumor growth or injury results in the release of secondary mediators - cytokines, whose role is to restore homeostasis in the body. Overproduction of cytokines can lead to many diseases, or even death. Therefore, the compounds are constantly being sought inhibitors of cytokine synthesis.

The Editorial Board
Andrzej Łukaszyk - przewodniczący, Zofia Bielańska-Osuchowska, Szczepan Biliński, Mieczysław Chorąży, Aleksander Koj, Włodzimierz Korochoda, Leszek Kuźnicki, Aleksandra Stojałowska, Lech Wojtczak

Editorial address:
Katedra i Zakład Histologii i Embriologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, ul. Święcickiego 6, 60-781 Poznań, tel. +48 61 8546453, fax. +48 61 8546440, email:

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