Lipotubuloidy previously been described only in śniedka ( Ornithogalum umbellatum ), as their presence was confirmed in Hematus ( Haemanthus albiflos ) . These cytoplasmic domain , which is accumulated a large number of lipid bodies braided microtubule system . Microtubules combine these individual lipid bodies , whereby lipotubuloid cell moves as one body . It is surrounded by a large area on the tonoplast , since invaginated in the vacuole of the cell. In addition to the lipid bodies and microtubules in the present lipotubuloidów ribosomes , endoplasmic reticulum , as well as isolated mitochondria , Golgi and mikrociała structure ( peroxisomes or glyoxisomes ) , and in the final stages of their development autolytic vacuoles containing the acid phosphatase and lipase . Lipotubuloidy cell move in rotational reciprocating manner . Revolutions taking place in different directions is generated by autonomous driving forces . Lipotubuloidów rotational speed is many times higher than the growth rate of movement of the cytoplasm , and blocking 2,4- dinitrophenol cyklozy not cause simultaneous blocking lipotubuloidów rotational movements that are continued for some time and gradually discontinued . Lipotubuloidy are the place of the active inclusion of 3H- palmitic acid into lipids. Diffusion of silver grains , after transferring the non-radioactive material to the environment after prior incubation with radioactive palmitic acid , and demonstrates the use of the lipid metabolism of the cell , since the grains are not completely disappear after lipid extraction solvents fats. Autoradiography at the electron microscope shows that the active site for the synthesis of lipids is the surface of the lipid bodies to which the fibers adhere , participatory probably in this synthesis .