Tetrafenyloporfirynowy copper complex ( CuTPP ) is associated with the lipid bilayer . Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra (ERP ) oriented films of liquid crystal dimyrystynowej phosphatidylcholine ( DMPC ) -containing CuTPP indicate that the content of ≤ 1 mol % CuTPP molecules CuTPP surface is perpendicular to a membrane surface , while the mol % Cl4 content of the surface is parallel to a membrane surface . Methods pulse ERP and ERP computer simulation spectra indicate that the change in orientation of molecules CuTPP with the increase of their content in the membrane is responsible mutual association CuTPP near the center of the membrane. Formed there kilkucząsteczkowe structures similar to crystal CuTPP . Another factor that can induce crystallization of the oriented molecules CuTPP is magnetic field of £ 1000 G. The crystals formed in the supersaturated solution in the magnetic field is oriented so that the planes of molecules are parallel to CuTPP field lines . The rate of crystallization of molecules CuTPP is also greater in the presence of a magnetic field. Discussed the importance of these findings for cancer phototherapy using porphyrins as a photosensitizing agents .