Date of issue: 
The physiological role of tyreoliberyny ( TRH ) is to maintain homeostasis within the four systems: ( i) the neuroendocrine hypothalamus -pituitary gland, (ii ) neuronal pathway brainstem - midbrain - spinal cord, ( iii ) the limbic - cortical and (iv ) the chronobiologic. In this way, TRH through different cellular mechanisms regulate many biological processes ( general stimulation of the body , sleep , learning, lokomotorykę mood ) and can be considered for intervention and clinical use in the event of disturbance in the individual systems . Because of the adverse pharmacological profile TRH ( enzymatic instability , short duration of action , side effects ) , created a number of synthetic analogues to its potential use as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in many diseases of the central nervous system ( CNS). This paper presents the current state of knowledge on the physiological action of TRH, its potential benefits in the treatment of CNS disorders including the study of its analogues.
Author of the article: 

The Editorial Board
Andrzej Łukaszyk - przewodniczący, Zofia Bielańska-Osuchowska, Szczepan Biliński, Mieczysław Chorąży, Aleksander Koj, Włodzimierz Korochoda, Leszek Kuźnicki, Aleksandra Stojałowska, Lech Wojtczak

Editorial address:
Katedra i Zakład Histologii i Embriologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, ul. Święcickiego 6, 60-781 Poznań, tel. +48 61 8546453, fax. +48 61 8546440, email:

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