Volume: 34
Issue: 4

Date of issue: 2007

- 682 pages: 669
Dendritic cells are one of the major populations of immune cells. Due to the presence of specific receptors...
- 693 pages: 683
Ageing and diseases connected with ageing currently became very important social problem. Ageing processes...
- 713 pages: 695
Changes of sugar concentration often affect germination, plant growth, metabolic processes and the...
- 729 pages: 715
Fertilization of a mouse oocyte triggers oscillations of the concentration of free calcium ions in ooplasm...


The Editorial Board
Andrzej Łukaszyk - przewodniczący, Zofia Bielańska-Osuchowska, Szczepan Biliński, Mieczysław Chorąży, Aleksander Koj, Włodzimierz Korochoda, Leszek Kuźnicki, Aleksandra Stojałowska, Lech Wojtczak

Editorial address:
Katedra i Zakład Histologii i Embriologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, ul. Święcickiego 6, 60-781 Poznań, tel. +48 61 8546453, fax. +48 61 8546440, email:

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