Beacon - biologically active peptide associated with the occurrence of obesity

Beacon (BC ) is a newly discovered peptide isolated from the hypothalamus piaskówki ( Psammomys obesus) , which has been implicated in the regulation of energy balance. It is also known under the names of ubiquitin -like protein 5 ( UBL5 ) and homologous to ubiquitin ( Hub 1 ) . His presence is observed in almost all tissues examined . Beacon gene is highly conserved interspecies . Its expression in the hypothalamus, is proportional to glucose and insulin levels and body fat percentage and body mass in an animal species Psammomys obesus .

The Editorial Board
Andrzej Łukaszyk - przewodniczący, Zofia Bielańska-Osuchowska, Szczepan Biliński, Mieczysław Chorąży, Aleksander Koj, Włodzimierz Korochoda, Leszek Kuźnicki, Aleksandra Stojałowska, Lech Wojtczak

Editorial address:
Katedra i Zakład Histologii i Embriologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, ul. Święcickiego 6, 60-781 Poznań, tel. +48 61 8546453, fax. +48 61 8546440, email:

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