Meiosis is a process which have a great weight for development and continuity of life on Earth. In a great majority of organisms the cells which are made during meiosis are directly involved in sex reproduction processes. High development of molecular biology techniques makes possible an identifica- tion of numerous genes involved in meiotic division. Model organisms in these research in the first place are yeasts and Caenorhabditis elegans. The last years bring also many informations about genetic and molecular regulation of meiosis in plants, mainly in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular basis of meiosis in plants, because of better accessibility of the biological material and easiness of observations of the mutation fenotypical effects, is studied mainly in the male generative cells line, i.e. during microsporoge- nesis. It was shown that the majority of genes known from research on yeasts which are involved in such steps of meiotic division as homologue chromosomes coniugation or crossing-over has the homologues in plants. This indicate that there is a high degree of universality of meiosis molecular mechanisms in eucariotic cells. This work is a compilation of actuall informations about genetic and molecular controll of microsporogenesis in angiosperms, which are presented in the background of the results from studies on different organisms, especially in yeasts.